Saving Malayan tigers is a concerted effort.
How can the community help?
Save Our Malayan Tiger Campaign was launched in March 2019 as an initiative to conserve the critically endangered species.
Saving Malayan tigers is a concerted effort.
Conservation and Research
The establishment of the National Wildlife Rescue Centre, National Tiger Conservation Centre, Malayan Tiger Research Centre, habitat enrichment and wild tiger breeding program and its food source.
Sponsorship Programmes and CSR Donations
The launching of the Malayan Tiger Campaign Fund to receive corporate or individual donations to conserve our Malayan Tigers.
Enforcement Programme
Increase patrols and enforce operations to monitor and protect the Malayan tigers especially in habitats that are targeted by illegal poachers.
Public Awareness Programme
Increase public awareness through exhibitions, talks, community dialogues and volunteering programs through the Department of Wildlife and National Parks Peninsular Malaysia (PERHILITAN) and NGOs.
Publicise and Promote Campaigns
Publish more videos and infographic posters on social media and publish news articles on our Malayan tigers.
Total Funds Received
Records as of 30 JUN 2024
Malayan Tiger Conservation Program
- Tiger Breeding Centre
- Breeding Malayan tiger food source (tiger prey)
- Rehabilitation, Rewilding & Release Program at the Malayan Tiger Conservation Centre
- Malayan Tiger Research Grant
- Malayan Tiger Adoption Program at the National Wildlife Rescue Centre
- Technology Development (R&D) Program of the Malayan Tiger Conservation Program
Malayan Tiger Enforcement Program
- Control and Patrol illegal hotspots (Ops Belang)
- Khazanah National and Royal Malaysia Police – PERHILITAN unified operation (OPS Khazanah)
- Technology development in enforcement activities
Public Awareness Program
- Biodiversity Education Programme (PPBD) For School Students
- Exhibition Materials And Save Our Malayan Tigers Campaign
- Publicity Materials And Save Our Malayan Tigers Campaign Promotion
- CEPA Development Programme
Our joint efforts made to succeed in the conservation of Malayan Tiger population through the “Save the Malayan Tiger” Campaign.
Your Contribution Helps
Your donations will be used to fund for Malayan tiger conservation activities. The Department of Wildlife and National Parks Peninsular Malaysia together with strategic partners will increase efforts in carrying out Malayan Tiger conservation activities.
Our joint efforts made to succeed in the conservation of Malayan Tiger population through the “Save the Malayan Tiger” Campaign.