Save Our Malayan Tiger Campaign
Our website address is:

Donation Drive
Payment Gateway is using Toyyibpay payment gateway services to receive donations from public. It is a safe process with easy integration for your donation payments.
ANSI Systems Sdn Bhd (ANSI) means representative company that hosted ToyyibPay, an online payment gateway services platform. The following payment methods may be used (subject to availability); online banking, debit/credit/prepaid card, e-money, balance and redemption codes.
Services Fee of RM1 will be charged to every online cash transfer transaction (FPX only).
Personal Data Protection
All information provided in respect on this donation payment transactions, is recorded as part of a relevant filing sistem or with the intention that it should form part of a relevant filing system, is protected as per in the Personal Data Protection Act, 2010 (PDPA).
Any further inquiries can be made by contacting the Financial Unit, the PERHILITAN Headquarters (03-9086 6827 / 6826 / 6828 / 6830) or email us at